Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bow Holders

Here's the link to the plaques I'm painting. Just got ANOTHER order.



Monday, November 29, 2010


So one of the craft projects I have been working on is the painting of plaques, which my cousin then gussies up and turns into bow holders for little girls. I'm painting them up with the little girl's name and then adding a picture of the little girl dressed as a fairy, princess, cheerleader, or ballerina. (Those are the only designs I've come up with so far for the B4E girls, but am working on some other ideas.) I'm also making several "generic" ones that aren't personalized.

And guess what! I got my first order today! I'm getting ready to go get the wood I need to make it right now. When I get home, I'll add a link to Billie's website, so you can see the fruits of my labor for yourself.

I'm so excited!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

A whole new world

Well, I did it. I started my own blog. This is the place that I will come to ramble on about the things I enjoy - crafts, baking, books, music, movies. I'll probably talk about my kids, too. If you'd like to comment, please do. Just be nice. This is going to be an intellectual haven for me, and I get enough criticism and negativity as it is.

I have a pie to check on, but I will post again later.

I think I'm going to like having a soapbox!