Saturday, December 3, 2011

Catching Up

I got the job I wrote about in the last post. I like the work. I don't particularly like some of the corporate practices of the company I work for. I love the people I work with. I hate the commute. So its been good and bad - as is all in life.

I can't believe how fast the year flew by. On Friday, my little girl will be 5 years old. She's getting to be such a person, with a whole personality and everything. I thought I knew all about her, but everyday she surprises me with aspects of herself of which I was unaware. She's a kind and loving girl. She wants to be a Princess Supergirl when she grows up. I'm not sure what the job market is for that profession, but I'm sure she'll do just fine. She loves her little brother. She finally knows that my last name isn't "Pickle". She's left-handed and smart. And she can read a lot better than she realizes. Right now, she's trying to ride the dog. That's my girl!

I perfected pumpkin pie & pumpkin bread from scratch this year. One pie pumpkin will make 2 pies and 3 loaves of bread. (I put that in there for myself - I'll need a reminder next fall.)

I think I grew up a lot this year. And I got a lot older. That's not necessarily a good thing.

This next year I need to do some things for me. Get myself organized and in order. Its time. I need to get control of some things that I can control and not be subservient to them anymore. I want to do something worthwhile and memorable before I'm too old. I'm tired of not living life to the fullest.

Merry Christmas!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Alone at last!

I'm having a great day!

This morning, I had an interview for a job that I really want. And I totally rocked it! The kids went to daycare, Bob is at work, and I - well, I'm enjoying my first alone time I've had for MONTHS.

Its so quiet. No TVs on or kids screaming or dogs barking...

I got the sheets changed, the house picked up, dishes done... still working on the laundry, but that is a never-ending chore.


You know, sometimes, I just need to be by myself to maintain my sanity. My husband and kids just don't understand that. I need time where no one is making demands on me and I'm under no pressure to DO something. That, to me, is more relaxing than anything.

After I fold another basket of laundry, I'm going to sit down and paint for a while. I'm gonna make Bob grill the chicken because it is so nice outside. And I'm not leaving to pick the kids up until 5:30!


Well, I'm off, to enjoy my few remaining hours of peace and quiet. Toodles!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Beginnings

The last 2 months have been crappy. The company that I loved working for went out business, and I became a stay-at-home-mom. I do NOT like my new job. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but they are out of control.

My children find very creative ways to destroy my house and my sanity. Becky has taken to refusing to potty on the toilet. She was crawling under her bed to pee there, until we pulled out the carpet and got a different bed. (I have an appointment with a child psychologist about this one tomorrow...) Eli wants to do whatever Becky is doing - including pouring their own Koolaid (all over the floor), making cookies (by emptying the flour cannister in the floor), eating Jello (off the couch cushions). Where am I when they "adventure" you ask? Usually I'm in the next room, cleaning up a different mess. If Guiness had a record for fastest mess making, my kids would win, hands down. I'm losing my mind.

But there is hope: I interviewed for a new job a couple of days ago, and I'll have a second one next week. I REALLY want this job. Its almost exactly what I did at my last job, with more responsibility, more authority, and more pay. The office will be about 40 minutes away, which is a bummer, but I can totally deal with that. Did I mention that I REALLY want this job? I feel very positive about my chances, too. I'll be stunned if I don't get the job.

Wish me luck!